Quick and dirty- see the individual pages for more details.


BIG BRIDGES- AKA ‘Biggy Deluxe’, ‘Big Boi’, ‘Big Lux Deluxe’, ‘Big A$$ Bridge’ and many more.

Word of mouth advertising leads to many interesting names but officially:   The largest commercial bridges available delivering unparalleled comfort and load bearing capacity, while retaining a reasonable trail weight.


Big Guy Bridge-$375- Suggested weight limit 225-350+

Hybrid 1.7 Double layer- the only bridge hammock in the world capable of carrying more than 250 pounds.   So if you are more than 250lbs this is the bridge you want!


Luxury Bridge-$350- Suggested weight limit 250lbs and under

Hybrid 1.7 Single layer for those looking for the most comfortable bridge available.

Also available in lighter 1.2 and/or with Carbon Fiber poles for $425


Standard Bridges-

Because Not everyone is a big guy…

Happy Medium- $325 –Suggested comfort 200-225 lbs, Maximum 250 lbs.

All the premium features of the larger models in a more balanced size for the average hiker.

Compact pitch (10′), full size bedspace, and built for backpacking.

Hybrid 1.7 with Amsteel- 17 ounces and lighter models for lighter folks.

Includes Carbon Fiber Poles standard, typically a $90 aftermarket upgrade.


Just A Bridge $225 with DAC aluminum spreaders or $275 with Carbon Fiber spreader bars.

The lightest full size bridge in the world!   11.5 ounces with CF poles, 13.5 ounces with DAC Aluminum.

225lb user weight or less is ideal. This is not for those of you over 250lbs!

Accessories and add-ons-

Most everything you need is in the base price, but a few things are broken out to keep costs down or customize.

Just a Bug Net: $85 retail, discounted to $60 when purchased with a Bridge.

A simple “Fronkey Style” bottom entry bug net designed to fit the Happy Medium, Luxury or Big Guy Models. Fully removable and simple design.  Medium size net: 9.5 ounces.   Lux/BG bug net: 10.25 ounces.


Suspensions, Poles, and odd ducks-

Rather than ‘include one for free’ and jack up the price even further… I offer some suspension options.

Pole upgrades, replacements and details as well as other bridge related bits and bobs can be found here.


Harmony Trekking Poles-$180

Trekking poles with true bridge hammock spreader bar conversion- designed to pair with many of our hammocks to replace spreader bars for the absolute lightest system.  Designed in partnership and Manufactured by Ruta Locura.


Vaporwear and dead ideas –

Not every thing worked out or can make it to market- if you heard of something, saw something, or read one of my wandering posts eight years ago on a forum- figured I’d put it here just so you didn’t think you were losing your mind.


Micro- $Discontinued   The original ‘lightest bridge in the world’ and Stupid Light award winner.

The original XUL Micro- 9.50 ounces (no longer available), Production Micro- 10.25 ounces- no suggested weight limit.

Both with Robic 1.0 and aluminum poles.   Large enough for a 20″ wide sleeping pad and really only suitable for side sleeping or very slim folks.   Built before modern materials and techniques were available.


Mountain Hanger- upcoming prototype?

TBD- 120% larger version of the Big Boy… possible double person hammock with .875″ Easton Military Spec Poles.

Very expensive, very limited audience.   Put this one on hold around version 3 due to Covid, life, and Just a Bridge.   It might come back one day.


Differential Duo- A differential cut double layer gathered end hammock for sleeping pad use.   Design works, but dropped due to production constraints.


Just a Pad Sling- An interesting concept that blended gathered end, bridge, and other ideas into a simple sling designed to be used with a sleeping pad to achieve a lighter weight and better performance with a pad.